Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Funny Obama

Following up on my last post, I found this funny video of Barack Obama brushing his shoulders off to Jay-Z's song "Dirt Off Your Shoulders". At a campaign appearance he was acknowledging that he's taken some hits from his opponent and some mighty hits so he brushes the metaphorical dirt off his shoulders in the form of Sen. Hillary Clinton's many charges against him.

If nothing else, it shows that Obama has his antenna up, that he's attuned to the culture around him, especially the youth culture. He's in touch. That counts for a lot for his appeal and it counts a lot for his followers.


  1. This is a classic example of President Obama's connection to popular and youth culture. It certainly counts for a lot of his appeal, demonstrating his sense of humor and his image of accessibility, but to those who do not support Obama, I could see how it may come across as something inappropriate for the President of the United States to do. I find it funny and refreshing, though.

  2. I agree this video does show that Obama his in touch with the youth and he knows how to relate to people. I think it is a good thing that Obama uses his sense of humor in his speeches because people will be able to relate to him more and see that he is down to Earth. This is the reason why Obama has so much support from people in America

  3. I think we are all in agreement that this exemplifies Obama's number one appeal. That he is in tune with the young masses and this is the prime reason he won the elections in the first place! Its amazing to see that our president can break the predisposed mold. I hope this trend however, doesn't turn into a problem in the future, keep in mind, there is a reason politicians can't be twenty and why jay-z is just a rapper and not a New York Senator.
